Environmental-developmental conflict between optimism and pessimism
Environment, Anti-Environment , Environmentalism, Human Development, Humane Development, Sustainable DevelopmentAbstract
The human being awakened in a momentary moment, terrified of what he had given his hands in the process of civilizational and physical construction, which lacked a vital circle, which was the process of rational balance between the series of cultural achievements and the components of the medium that includes the vocabulary of this series and its makers. His endless needs of things forget the necessities of maintaining the cleanliness of the house where God dwelled until the reactions came and the conflict between the house and its occupier intensified. Our research came to highlight the developmental intellectual distress that was unable to manage this conflict in a balanced manner rational for many years, and attempts to atone for the wrong man exercising the right environment and too late. The purpose of this study is to address the environment and the anti-environment on the one hand, and to reveal the mechanism of development of human development thinking and its ability to deal with the necessary balance between the overambitious motives for development work and the requirements of sustainability of the environment and life on the other hand, and leaving the focus on environmental performance towards integrating the economy into the environment. Conclusions and recommendations that ensure the goal of preparing them.We chose the journal of social sciences to publish this paper to fit its content with the orientations of this journal and its scientific strength and ability to deliver this material to a wider area of human societies