Religious Pluralism as a Solution to Peaceful Coexistence


  • Akram Belkhiri ‎University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed‎ Author


pluralism, conservatism, peaceful coexistenc


The Islamic Ummah suffers from crises at various levels, political, economic, social and cultural. This is manifested in the conflicts and wars that have arisen in the heart of the Islamic Ummah since the recent era, and the situation continues to deteriorate to this day. Religious and sectarian affiliations were among the most important factors that fueled the conflict. The chaos and fighting have caused a deep rift in the body of the nation. No one can deny that strong presence of the problematic sectarian and sectarian conflict between Sunnis and Shiites, which is based on the invocation of ancient historical conflicts that have changed from political to sectarian. In this context, there have been intellectual projects that tried to overcome these situations by proposing the idea of co-existence and tolerance in order to achieve Islamic unity in order to overcome backwardness and catch up on the one hand and reconcile with different sects and sects and grant them all the right and freedom to practice their religion on how they want, Among these projects worthy of attention on what we think - the project of the Iranian thinker Abdul Karim Sroush in his book from the path to the straight conditions, and Mohammed Amara in his book Islam and pluralism, diversity and diversity in the framework of unity, and the book of religious pluralism look at the crystal doctrine All these projects sought to accept and not exclude others. This pluralism confers the intellectual and ideological freedom of each party, which in practice enhances the right to exist, as enshrined in Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the freedom of individuals to think, to change their religion and belief, to express their religion, This will open the way for a space of tolerance and peaceful coexistence among the various components of the Islamic Ummah from the extreme east to the far west away from fanaticism and demagogy. It makes the pluralist mind a non-fanatic and non-demagogic mind by simplifying the truth on all sides and granting the right to each party. The world of religious knowledge. Therefore, plurality is an urgent and required gamble imposed by the reality that is living in sectarian tension that does not evoke the image of the other except under the heading of blood and murder means recognizing the diversity of religious affiliation in one society or one or more societies


