La coexistence linguistique : entre une- conceptualisation sociolinguistique et une étude de terrain(Cas d’étude : Étudiants de L’Université de Tizi-Ouzou, Algérie)•Une étude de la réalité sociale


  • Fatiha Haddad Mouloud Mammeri University, Tizi Ouzou Author


language, linguistic coexistence, students, society, university, economy, linguistic culture


This paper aims to research a very precise problem based on the trilogy of society, language and individual, represented in the problem of linguistic coexistence in Algeria between two languages: the Berber language and the Arabic language in an intelligent social environment, which is the university student environment. We considered this study as a socio-linguistic study. By virtue of its discussion of a very sensitive issue represented in the role of languages in running, establishing and reviving the economy and thus reviving cultural movements throughout the country, and what is the importance of the selected group as a sample for study in paying attention to this issue


