ثقافة المقاولة بين خطاب التدبير المقاولاتي الحديث والنقد السوسيولوجي
الكلمات المفتاحية:
التدبير المقاولاتي الحديث، ثقافة المقاولة، التشاركية، حرية المبادرة، العبودية الطوعيةالملخص
Given that the modern cooperate management has adopted the concept of "cooperate culture" in organization at work - as a shared system of ethics, values and objectives by various actors within the organization, and as an essential leverage to strengthen social integration within it and to enhance its productivity- the sociology of work and organizations, with its rich theoretical and methodological tools, was able to demonstrate that the concept of "cooperate culture" is, after all, an ideological discourse that hides the truth on social and individual realities at work, more than a contribution to clarify its deep determinants and structures. This present research paper is seeking to tackle this point by recalling the most significant studies that explored some of the strategies behind the use of the concept of "cooperate culture", which pretends to humanize social relations at work