Education in Palestine: Subsequent Crises and Accumulated Learning Loss



Education in Palestine, Learning Loss, Covid -19, Teachers Strike


Education in Palestine faces one of the major challenges it encountered in his history. The last four years witnessed total or semi-total students enrollment disturbance as a result of three subsequent crises. The first is the Covid-19 crisis, the second is teachers strike crisis, and the last one is the ongoing war that erupted after the October 7, 2023. The expected learning loss is huge and exceptional. This paper aims to follow these crises and analyze the expected learning loss, it also seeks to discuss available solutions to stop and compensate the learning loss before it turns to national disaster. The study will follow crises and the expected learning loss documented in available secondary resources such as Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics, Palestinian Ministry of Education documents, World Bank, UNESCO, UNESIF, and other national and international reports and studies


