The gaming virtual: between the “real” and unreal



gaming virtual, real, unreal, in-between, immersion, designing


video game is a complex design product distinguished by a particular use and conception. Indeed, the using process of such a product is embodied within the gaming virtual space, which places the user-gamer into a link between the “real” world, as in the physical world, and the “virtual” world, as in the world of play where the player “exists” through an immersive projection. This link is present within the virtual space in-game, which places the user-gamer in a triad real-virtual-unreal. However, a question is in order: if the using process of gaming virtual space encompasses an “in-between” immersion between the physical real and the imaginary unreal, should we consider that designing this in-game virtual is pivoting between the real-unreal as a consequence? How is this virtual designed: generating from the real or from the unreal?


