Question of Identity and Regional development: the region of Guelmim example


  • Rachida Bouchti Mohammed V University Author


Regionalization, identity, development, organization, affiliation, field, decentralization, territorial fragmentation, language


In this research, I have started from a fundamental problematique which is the importance of cultural elements in creating regional development, Where the linguistic and tribal affiliation, and The territorial division standard constitute an essential mechanism for the creation of homogeneous areas both regionally and culturally. Based on several approaches combining qualitative descriptive analysis of documents, Bibliographic Research and quantitative field study using the form and the data analysis program (SPSS) with a Probability sample of 120 families were distributed to the urban community of Guelmim, the rural Community of Asrir, the rural Community of Taghgigt and the rural Community of Abayno. I concluded that the most effective perception of an effective regional policy as adopted by developed countries, Requires a starting from the field and realistic facts which requires to put humans in the center of the administrative and territorial measure through the productive integration of local components at the social and economic level, including the language and the culture of the area, its historical heritage, its characteristics and natural resources, and support its involvement in creating a local and social development dynamic


