A Program of Lactic Endurance and its effect upon some physiological variables and the performance of lay up shot skill for young basketball players


  • Ahmed Khudhair Abbas University of Kerbala Author
  • Wameedh Ali Hassoon University of Babylon Author
  • Hussein Mnati Saget University of Kerbala Author


Lactic endurancet, he skill of peaceful shooting in basketball


The study aimed at improving the skill of layup shot forbasketball players through the effect of improving lactic endurance on physiological variable.The research community was set by 12 basketball players, whose age is 14-16 years, at Al-Hillah Sports Club. The research sample was selected deliberately. The experimental group included 6 players and the duration of the exercises set was 8 weeks (3 training units per week and 24 training units in total). The used training method was the high-intensity interval training and the repetitive training. The proposed training program of lactic endurance has a positive effect,at statistical significance level,onbasketball players' physiological variables.


