E-Book Place in Higher Education: Algeria Model



E-Book; Scientific Research; ICT; Higher Education in Algeria


The development of has produced a transformation in all fields, including the field of scientific publishing, specifically the book, which followed the technological development, giving us the electronic book as a new phenomenon that must be dealt with, understood, and benefited from the advantages it can offer to the field of scientific research. The study aims to address the topic of electronic transformation, especially the e-book, which has undergone a remarkable development since the beginning of the 21st century and has continued to adapt to the circumstances of the digital age. This made it a new area for researchers to provide scientific additions on the subject and technicians to provide solutions for new situations in line with the changes of the era of speed, The study also provides a brief overview of the e-book’s entry into the space of scientific research and the opportunities it has produced, as well as the challenges it has witnessed The study also highlights the efforts undertaken to develop the e-book’s presence in scientific research in Algeria


