Water in the Algerian popular imagination"A sympolic study in the Hammam N'bails/ Guelma "


  • Fatma Rezaiguia Abou-bekr-belkaid-University-of-Tlemcen Author
  • Ben Maamar Boukhadra Abou-bekr-belkaid-University-of-Tlemcen Author


water, imagination, symbol, rituals, beliefs


Water is the essential component of human life and stability, As it is one of the essential conditions of existence that require living and development and a major reason for the permanence and continuing life. For this reason, water has been an influential factor in the emergence of societies, and the establishment of civilizations that were taking place and location near the great rivers running constant and about the source of water and springs and abundant rainfall because of these characteristics of building factors and prosperity, which means that water is a symbol of the momentum and strength and steadfastness and fertility, whenever people have access to rich water sources the greater their chances of stability and steadfastness and the production of more civilized values, water is the first foundation of life that is why he has been very strong in human culture since ancient times, through this scientific article we would like to highlight the water component of the study and analysis in popular imagination in the area of Hammam N'bails in Guelma as a model


