As a charismatic figure and its impact on popular belief
Mausoleum, Belief, Guardian, Dignity, Charismatic dominanceAbstract
Algerian society still adheres to some beliefs regarding the shrines of the righteous saints and shrines despite the tangible industrialization movement that Algeria has known in the 20th century AD, as well as the spread of manifestations of modernity, and Sidi Lakhdar Ibn Khallouf is one of the Mausoleums that still have an aura of reverence in the Mostaghanem community in particular and study The present tries to know the secret of the religious phenomenon culturally, socially and psychologically, by analyzing the relationship between the Mausoleum as a symbolic pole with a special significance, and between the saint as a signified by analyzing what was told to us about his dignities and the myths woven by popular memory around him, and trying to understand the secret of continuity and the survival of the need for a visit Sidi Lakhdar Bin Khalouf and people's deep belief in his capabilities
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