The legal nature of the stage of the spread of Coronavirus and its impact on contractual obligations and the terms of appeal against judgments


  • Ahmed Mohammed Qasim brees Bilad Alrafidain University College Author


Legal naturs, Corona virus, Emergency conditions, The majeure force, The appeal extended


The effects of the spread of the Corona pandemic Many questions among the legal circles about the nature or adaptation of the stage of spread of the Corona virus (covid-19), some countries have adopted the theory of force majeure, and the stage of the spread of Corona virus was considered force majeure due to the impossibility of contractors to implement their contractual obligations. An emergency circumstance for the possibility of exceeding this stage And life returns to normal. The stage of the spread of the Coronavirus had its legal and economic repercussions on all sectors affected by this pandemic, because business and services are usually carried out under contracts whose parties did not expect, upon entering into, such circumstances, and with the measures taken by many countries to impose curfews in order to preserve The safety of their people, which led to the cessation of all sectors of work, including the work of the courts, which led to the suspension of legal proceedings and the missed periods Challenging the issued judgments. Is the application of force majeure theory at this stage the best and most appropriate adaptation? Or is the application of the theory of contingent conditions the solution? What is the correct and chosen conditioning? This is what we will try to answer in this paper


