Chapters in violating human rights in Tunisia during the time of tyranny: Government saws and the issue of veil (alhijab)


  • Abdelaziz ben abdennabi university Sfax Author


Human rights, Women's rights, The veil, Tyranny, Torture


In the pressent research we focus on the matter of violating human rights in Tunisia during the tyranny period, stretching in more than 54 years under the rule of the dictatorial presidents: Habib Bourguiba (1956 - 1987) and Zinelabidine ben Ali (1987 - 2011). Among the acts of the mentioned violation, we notice depassing women’s rights in diverse activities such as politics, asssociations and unions. It included the right of clothing and reigion. Since 1981, the Tunisian dictatorial system has been making political, légal, adminisstrative and sécurity fight against woman’s wearing, which is called Issue of Veil (Alhijab) or act 108. This bill made huge violation and damage for Tunisian veiled woman who resisted and struggled in front of these systematic policies, with the help of civil societies, to show historical unfairness exposing the committers and their supporters


