Abū ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. šaqrūn alــwaǧdīǧī alــTīlimçānī )1508 ــ1576): biography and background
Tlemcen; al-šaīẖ Abī ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad b. šaqrūn b. hibaẗ Allāh alــwaǧdīǧī alــTīlimçānī (d. 1576); the 16th century; the ScholarsAbstract
This essay presents the biography and course of al-šaīẖ Abī ʿAbd Allāh Muḥammad b.šaqrūn (d. 1576), who made his reputation among his peers, and the cultivation of his intellectual giving during the course of the 16th century, by focusing on his most prominent intellectual activities and contributions. He established Scientific research between Tlemcen and the metropolitan areas of the Far Morocco, and explored the extent of interaction between him and his contemporaries among scholars in both times. This is what we decided to drive, address and select from the fluorescence of the books of biographies, biographies and classes that unanimously praised the man’s trait. On the one hand he highlighted his news and the news of the students and elders who drifted from his vast knowledge, on the other hand he taught them the various branches of science and its finest aspects. All of this in a scientific endeavor aims to build a historical overview that looks at the Tlemcen intellectual climate and its manifestations during this century whose cultural features began to diminish and its flags alienated from the presence of Tlemcen during the sovereignty of the Beni Zīyān state. We even shed light in general on the repercussions of the beginnings of the modern period and their implications for every scholar and šaīẖ was interested in science and taking its form and its causes in Tlemcen during the Ottoman Empire domination. Despite these harsh and unhelpful circumstances of the men of science, it has continued to witness the emergence of empowered and skilled scholars such as Muḥammad b. šaqrūn b. hibaẗ Allāh, who is an example of excellence and eminence in another science. This truly expresses the high level that I reached and realized using some parts of knowledge in Tlemcen during this transitional period of its long history
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